
Aura's & Gilbert's Wedding

Although I've photographed many weddings in the past, this is my first wedding involving a Mayan Quiche ceremony, blended in with a little bit of Anglo practices. I had the privilege of covering Aura's and Gilbert's wedding this weekend which took place in Fontana. I had as much fun photographing the ceremony as I did learning about the practices of an ancient culture. Don't forget to look out for more photos on my website in a couple weeks regarding this unique ceremony and fun reception. For now, you can see a picture collage of the wedding by clicking here.


Pila_92 said...

This wedding was absolutely wonderful!! I had a great time and Gil & Aura are wonderful together. The pictures came out great, keep up the great job Mr. Chang.

Anonymous said...

I Agree with Pila, This wedding was a blast and very unforgettable moments. Mike's hour long speach, Pila's Dancing, Gil's P.I.M.P. suit, Chuy's jokes, and of course Jason. remeber through life there are many detours, left tuns, right turns, some circles here and there, but as long as you come back to the center you are back on your right path. Gil, this is your straight line, this is your path that you have returned too. Follow it, and see what lies ahead.