
Heather + Joe

Heather saw my photos of Aliso Beach and thought that was the perfect spot for some engagement shots with her fiance Joe. You could tell that they had a lot of fun during the shoot! Plus, they took advantage of all the different terrain that the beach had to offer, as you can see from the pictures. That's one of the reasons I love this beach. It's impossible to take a bad photo there. Enjoy!


A Self Portrait (also titled: What happens when a photographer is shut inside because of rain)

Everyone knows that I really love photography. But not everyone knows that it's because, in a very small part, I don't have to be in the picture. I don't like having my picture taken. So what happens when you're a photographer, shut inside because of an insane amount of rain, have no money left because it all went to Christmas presents, and are afraid to take pictures of your kids due to "overexposure?" Well you begin thinking of crazy things to do, with the only subject willing to do it. Below is the result. Enjoy, and I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!


How heroes celebrate the season

I had a chance to party with some hardworking crime fighters for the holiday season. The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office had their annual Holiday Party at the Ayres Hotel in Ontario, California. Everyone took a break from prosecuting criminals to celebrate the holiday season and catch up with fellow coworkers. Since the county is geographically the largest one in the contiguous United States, some members of the office have never even met one another before this event. From the pictures, you can see that everyone had a great time. Even the District Attorney himself, Michael Ramos got down with it!


Photography at "Lunch"

My very good friend and hair stylist, Albert Vergara invited me to join him and his wife in building a few portfolios for some potential models. He hosted the photo shoot at his salon, Lunch Salon in Sierra Madre. After shaking out a few nerves with some of the models (it was their first time in front of a professional lens for some of them), the energy started flowing and we got some great shots! And yes, those are really all tattoos on Penelope!

Anil, Lyvia + Family

Anil and Lyvia have a beautiful family and wanted to memorialize this with a portrait of them as well as their extended family, which include Anil's parents and his brother's family. They chose a quaint little place called English Springs Park in Chino Hills. The family dressed up for the photographs, which made getting a good shot very easy. However, the show stealers were the little ones, as you'll see in the photographs below. Simply adorable!


Been a very bad, bad boy

Hi everyone,

Life's been pretty busy in the recent past and I've been neglecting this blog. No excuse, but my main work, and two energetic, curious children totally got my attention (see a picture of them below). However, I'm back to update this blog and keep it updated! So in the next few weeks, you'll see what I've been up to in the past year. Some posts may not be in chronological order, but all my work will be finally updated.



Patricia + John

Earlier this year, I hosted a "Trash the Dress" photography session at the Santa Fe Dam. The superintendant of the park is the nicest guy and helped me out tremendously in organizing that event and also saving me some money in permit fees too. Well, this superintendant, John, saw the results of that photo session and hired me to capture his wedding day memories. Turns out the bride, Patricia, is as nice as he is! The ceremony was held at Holy Family Catholic Church in Artesia. We took a break nearby at the Cerritos City Hall and Sculpture Garden to grab a few shots and then it was off to the party at the Cerritos Senior Center where John, Patricia, and everyone danced and partied the night away.

Please click on a picture to enlarge it.